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Companion Diocese Relationship Begun

At the 43rd convention in 2016, we passed a resolution establishing a companion relationship with the Western Diocese of the Anglican Church in Mexico. Our diocese share a common mission: we dare to follow Jesus Christ in his life of fearless love for the world. We also share over 200 miles of a common international border. This political boundary maintains a heartbreaking separation of people and families, but represents to us an invitation to reveal the power of God’s love to overcome every barrier of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic, or citizenship status.

The Diocese of Western Mexico offers the our diocese expertise in ministry to Spanish-speaking, especially Mexican, immigrant communities. This expertise includes culturally-adapted liturgical planning, music, pastoral care, and congregational development strategies. The Western Diocese can also serve as a fertile ground for transformative experiences for Americans unaware of their relative social privileges through thoughtful organized pilgrimages. We plan to support a new mission plant among this community of La Nueva Palma, assisting them in their yearning for spiritual bread and daily bread. We also hope to help them develop and strengthen ministry within English-speaking expatriate communities in Puerto Vallarta, Lake Chapala, and elsewhere.

Learn more about our Companion Relationship.


Category: #Communications, #Convention, #Evangelism, #Outreach, #Repentance & Reconciliation, #Sundays

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