Serving our neighbors. Advocating for change. Working for peace and justice.
These grants are made possible by the generous donors to the Courageous Love Campaign. The funds raised through this campaign will support the efforts of EDSD’s strategic plan to strengthen congregations, serve our neighbors, and grow the church. Our strategic plan calls us to empower congregations to connect with their neighbors and be agents of God’s love. Through service, justice, and compassion ministries, we build relationships with our neighbors and work to meet each other’s needs.
These grants are available throughout the year.
The focus will be on projects that:
- Have theological grounding and establish spiritual practices in line with service projects (see our 10 suggested practices)
- Increase congregational involvement in community engagement
- Model community collaboration so that half of the participants are not members of your congregation
- Improve, expand or revitalize congregational outreach practices
- Underwrite community outreach events
Applicants will be expected to:
- Describe the objective of their service project
- Demonstrate how community demographics and context have informed this project
- Describe previous efforts and experience related to this project
- Explain how effectiveness will be gauged
- Demonstrate how the congregation will contribute to the project
- Describe how community partners will contribute to this project
- Provide a project budget
- Describe how the project will be supported after grant funds are used
- In addition to funding, what other support might you need to complete this project?
A congregation’s vestry or bishop’s committee must approve a project before a request is reviewed. Once a request is submitted, the bishop’s office and executive council will review the application. A bishop’s staff or executive council member may contact you for clarification on your application if needed. When a decision is made, a bishop’s staff or executive council member will contact you. If you receive a grant, you will be asked to provide periodic updates to the bishop and executive council and contribute to an article for the diocesan news after the completion of the grant.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Jason Evans, Canon for Mission, at
Click here, if you would like a physical copy of this application to work on before submitting your final version.