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Thank You for the Non-Tangibles

As a disabled senior living with multiple myeloma, I am not unaccustomed to tears: they are usually from stress or depression. An unexpected, anonymous gift this morning brought tears of gratitude. Thank you! Today I received a beautiful leather-bound book and a financial gift. The only things I know about my benefactor are that he is an 84-year-old retired professor, and that he is male. The gift allowed for me to give a gift to assist others with stamps and envelopes. It also allowed me to have my service dog (who gives me her all) groomed and to rent an inexpensive room for the night, to groom myself, above and beyond the two aforementioned gifts were other non-tangible gifts of dignity, respect and compassion, human concern, far more valuable, again, thank you! A sheep will not stray far from a good shepherd.

Thank you and God bless,

A regular guest of the Episcopal Church Center



Category: #Outreach

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