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Diocesan Youth Cross Cultural Boundaries

Youth on the 2013 Summer Sierra Service Project

I want to share some good news with you! This past summer, a group of youth and adult counselors from the San Diego Diocese had a powerful experience of service, cultural boundary crossing, and spiritual growth. I want to share the good news of Sierra Service Project with you and invite youth and adults from your parish into a transformative experience with SSP.

My name is Tim Trussell-Smith and I am the Youth and Young Adults Minister at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Del Mar, California. In July, youth and adults from five parishes in our area traveled together to a Sierra Service Project site in Tsaile, Arizona – and were amazed by the week we had together. A priest in our company described it as one of the few true “Kingdom of God” experiences he’s had in a long career in ministry.

The mission of Sierra Service Project is to build faith and strengthen communities through service to others. The service they provide is home repairs to in-need homeowners, mostly in rural communities. They provide challenging, safe, and faith-rich Christian service-learning experiences for youth.  SSP runs week long summer service programs that take place at various locations around the western United States. Please take a look at our Fall Outreach brochure for more information.

SSP charges for its programs, but it has a significant scholarship fund to help low-income youth participants. SSP’s commitment is that no one be excluded from participating due to financial reasons. Sierra Service Project is an independent youth ministry organization with its roots in the United Methodist Church. It is governed by a Board of Directors that includes several Episcopalians. It is a very professional, well-run organization.  SSP’s theology is broad and progressive, and is very compatible with our values and practices.  Its approach to faith formation is invitational and participatory.

Both the youth and adults from our group will tell you that their Sierra Service Project experience is one they will never forget. If you have any questions, please call SSP’s office at the number below, or give me a call at (478) 361-8881.


Category: #Youth, Children, & Families

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