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YOU are invited to the next meeting on JULY 23, 2022, from 9:30-11:30am on Zoom Go to EDSD DSJC webpage by clicking HERE to get your meeting invitation. The Diocesan Service & Justice Coalition is a group of dedicated service/outreach and peace/social justice coordinators who gather to network and share ideas and collaborate on projects to make […]

Godly Play Training Retreat

Christ Church

Godly Play Training The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego in partnership with Christ Church Coronado is pleased to offer a Godly Play Core Training Retreat August 19-21, 2022. Over the course of the retreat, participants will experience all aspects of the Godly Play method and begin to become fluent in the Godly Play core stories and fundamental practices. Additionally, Godly Play's guiding Theology of Childhood is introduced, so […]

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