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Easter Invitation: An Evangelism Refresher Class


Easter provides your congregation with a unique possibility to invite neighbors, friends, and family to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. According to a Gallup poll, over 30% of Americans attend church regularly, but over 80% celebrate Easter. More than twice the usual number of Americans will consider attending church on March 31. Are you ready to invite […]

Panel Discussion: Ken Duckworth, MD, Chief Medical Officer of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Christ Episcopal Church 1114 Ninth St., Coronado, CA, United States

Christ Church, Coronado invites you to a panel discussion with Dr. Ken Duckworth, Chief Medical Officer of the National Alliance on Mental Health on March 17 at 1:00 pm. Alongside people who have lived with mental illness, Dr. Duckworth will introduce his book You Are Not Alone as a resource for individuals and families seeking […]

Gun Safety Work Group April Meeting


Monthly meeting of the EDSD Gun Safety Working Group. The group will discuss ongoing advocacy and outreach activities, and progress with development of gun safety plans in the Diocese. New members are welcome to attend. Please contact Paul Conry for more information, paul.j.conry@gmail.com.

Legal Explanation of Nonpartisan Election Activities


EDSD Voter Participation Initiative provides online training to empower congregational voting advocates and others to take and share voter-related information with their congregations and surrounding neighborhoods. On May 7 at 6:20 p.m., the Rev. Douglas Worthington of All Souls in Point Loma will speak on the “Legal Explanation of Nonpartisan Election Activities.” For more Voter […]

DSJC Bi-Monthly Meeting – May 18


May 18, 2024 • 9:30-11:30am on Zoom Email Debby Park at rayandeb@gmail.com for link. The Diocesan Service & Justice Coalition is a group of dedicated service/outreach and peace/social justice coordinators who gather to network and share ideas and collaborate on projects to make a greater impact in our community. Join other Episcopalians who want to […]

Gun Safety Work Group April Meeting


Monthly meeting of the EDSD Gun Safety Working Group. The group will discuss ongoing advocacy and outreach activities, and progress with development of gun safety plans in the Diocese. New members are welcome to attend. Please contact Paul Conry for more information, paul.j.conry@gmail.com.

Election Processes, Security & Vote Counting with San Diego Registrar of Voters


EDSD Voter Participation Initiative provides online training to empower congregational voting advocates and others to take and share voter-related information with their congregations and surrounding neighborhoods. On June 4 at 6:20 p.m., representatives from the San Diego Registrar of Voters will speak on the “Election Processes, Security and Vote Counting.” For more Voter Initiative details, click […]

Gun Safety Work Group April Meeting


Monthly meeting of the EDSD Gun Safety Working Group. The group will discuss ongoing advocacy and outreach activities, and progress with development of gun safety plans in the Diocese. New members are welcome to attend. Please contact Paul Conry for more information, paul.j.conry@gmail.com.

Conducting Civil Conversations & Addressing Misinformation with Mae Chao


EDSD Voter Participation Initiative provides online training to empower congregational voting advocates and others to take and share voter-related information with their congregations and surrounding neighborhoods. On July 2 at 6:20 p.m., EDSD Executive Council member Mae Chao will speak on “Conducting Civil Conversations and Addressing Misinformation.” For more Voter Initiative details, click here. Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81163097698?pwd=UFZvYmdYd21wNEVTZFIrWHhVRFN3QT09 […]

Gun Safety Work Group April Meeting


Monthly meeting of the EDSD Gun Safety Working Group. The group will discuss ongoing advocacy and outreach activities, and progress with development of gun safety plans in the Diocese. New members are welcome to attend. Please contact Paul Conry for more information, paul.j.conry@gmail.com.

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