The EDSD Gun Safety Working Group is recruiting Diocesan parishioners to participate in the San Diego 11th Annual Sandy Hook Vigil for Victims of Gun Violence. This year’s vigil is being held at Mission Hills United Methodist Church, 4044 Lark St., San Diego, CA 92103, on Saturday, December 9th, at 4:30-5:45 pm. Please join members of the EDSD Gun Safety Working Group, fellow parishioners, and community partners to show-up for gun violence prevention and remember the children and educators who died on December 14, 2012, at Sandy Hook Elementary, in Newtown, Connecticut, and the thousands more who have lost their lives to senseless gun violence since. This year’s event will feature youth voices, music and hope for change. Please contact Paul Conry at or 808-927-4157 with any questions.