Climate Trauma Interfaith Workshop
Saturday, September 23
Hosted by St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
6556 Park Ridge Blvd, San Diego
Climate change will continue to bring unexpected and devastating events into our lives and communities. We are already experiencing extreme heat, wildfires, floods, hurricanes and rising ocean temperatures. This one-day workshop will lift the voices of our community to discuss how we can come together and address and support each other in times of climate upheaval and trauma in order to find tools and strength.
Workshop Schedule
8:30am: Registration & Welcome
9:00am: Dr. Christine James: San Diego wildfires and associated trauma and mental health
10:00am: James Baraz: Buddhist teacher and speaker on addressing climate trauma in our communities and author of “Awakening Joy”
11:00am: Community Presenters:
+Rachel Ambasing (EDSD Missioner for Multicultural Ministries & Growing Trees in Community Project Coordinator) on experiences/impact on marginalized communities.
+Dr. Brenda Velasquez (Physician, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, Asst. Chief Psychiatry SCPMG) on types of trauma associated with climate change.
+Phil Petrie (Environmental Activist with Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice)
12:00 pm: Lunch – simple vegetarian/vegan meal served
1:00pm: Panel Discussion: Creating a community coalition of support to address climate trauma: How do we support each other in addressing climate concerns and trauma as well as organize during climate emergencies? Panel members include the Rev. D. Rebecca Hansen (Host), Br. Yusef Miller (Social activist of the Islamic Society of No. County), Tammah Watts (Counselor), Dr. Mark Harashevsky (Psychiatrist) the Rev. Jim Friedrich (ELCA) and Rachel Ambasing (EDSD).
2:00 pm: Interfaith Closing Prayers
Cost: Free/Donations welcome