San Diego area fire response
Updates from Congregations
December 9, 2017, 10 a.m.
St. Hugh’s, Idyllwild: Power went out at 6am on Thursday (12/7) in our part of the grid. By 6pm on Thursday, SCE and the local fire department shut down power to all of Idyllwild as a safety precaution. Overnight winds on Thursday were quite strong. It was good that power was off (though it was a bit chilly). By Friday afternoon (12/8) most of Idyllwild had power. Our part of the grid came online around 7pm (12/8). An issue to be discussed here (congregation and Bishop’s Committee): many of us have phone service connected to a satellite dish, AT&T, Verizon, or Spectrum/Time Warner. All of these phone, TV, and internet bundles require electricity. Cell phone communication is spotty at best (even with electricity) and nearly non-existent without electricity. When the power came back on I could access emails and text messages, but during the outage: nothing. Carol and I visited a couple of homes with elderly residents to check on their well-being because we couldn’t communicate via phone (voice or text). Leaving a message was pointless (most of us couldn’t access voice mail). Our Bishop’s Committee will take up this issue—to devise a plan to physically check-in with each other in the event of a power outage—over the coming weeks. We may also consider installation of a generator. Thank you for asking. Let’s continue the conversation. – Dan Rondeau
St. Andrew’s, Encinitas: Two staff people had to evacuate but one is already back home.
Holy Cross, Carlsbad: 7 family units impacted either through evacuations or some other way. Working on connecting with the LGBTQ center, homeless shelters, elderly people and parents to see how they can help.
St. Peter’s, Del Mar: The Rev. Martha Anderson is taking communion to the Del Mar fairgrounds tomorrow (Sunday) and providing a nonanxious presence.
December 8, 2017, 2 p.m.
All Saints’, Vista: One parishioner has lost their home today. Vista and Bonsall schools are evacuated.
St. John’s, Fallbrook: A handful of parishioners have evacuated. The view from just up the hill from the church shows white smoke and no wind; both are answers to prayer. Here is the view:
A Word from Bishop Katharine
In this time of deep uncertainty, I and many others are keeping you at the forefront of our prayers. Know that God is with you in the midst of fire and flight, fear and anxiety, and the unknown and unfolding. We all will find strength and courage in connecting with friends and strangers, and whoever is in need. Do not forget those who are alone.
Give thanks for first responders and do what you can to assist their efforts, including cooperating if asked to evacuate. Your safety, theirs, and that of many others will be aided.
As we are so often reminded in this Advent season, be awake and watchful. The day of the Lord is upon us – may we be ready to receive and respond. I give thanks for each one of you, and pray that you may be the face of God to another.
Peace to you all – in the moment and throughout this trial.
Shalom, salaam, la paz de Cristo,
En tiempos de profunda incertidumbre
Durante este tiempo de profunda incertidumbre, yo y muchos otros les mantenemos en el centro de nuestras oraciones. Conozcan que Dios está con ustedes en medio del fuego y de la batalla, en medio del temor y de la ansiedad, en medio de lo desconocido y de lo que surja. Todos encontramos fortaleza y coraje al conectarnos con amigos y con desconocidos, y cualquier persona en necesidad. No se olviden de los que están solos.
Agradezcan por los que han respondido a este llamado y hagan todo lo que puedan hacer para responder a sus necesidades incluyendo su cooperacion en caso de ser necesaria la evacuación. Su seguridad, la de ellos, y la de muchos otros será provista.
Así como se nos recuerda con frecuencia en esta Estación de Adviento, estén despiertos y vigilantes. El día del Señor está sobre nosotros – ¡Que podamos estar listos para recibir y responder! Doy gracias por cada uno de ustedes y ruego que sean el rostro de Dios para el prójimo.
Paz a todos ustedes – en esta hora y durante todo este tiempo difícil.
La muy Reverenda Katharine Jefferts Schori
Obispo Asistente
El ciclo de vida emocional durante un tiempo de desastre.
Sugerencias útiles:
- Animen a las personas a seguir las instrucciones de evación.
- Acérquense a los ancianos, desvalidos, maginados. A menudo las personas mayores que no reciben las alertas telefónicas y que no pueden manejar son los que hay que chequear y ayudarles a evacuarse de ser necesario.
- Descarten la recogida de ropas y de cobijas; en este momento no son necesarias. En los días próximos, las donaciones monetarias serán las más útiles.
- Este es el momento de empacar su bolsa de emergencia para llevar en su carro, tener en su casa y en la oficina. Mantenga una conducta apropiada.
- Anime a sus conocidos a que se suscriban a Ready San Diego alerts
Estaremos reunidos para orar mañana a las 9:30, para compartir las útlimas noticias sobre el incendio de Lilac y escuchar cómo podemos ayudarnos.
Check this website for updates:
Twitter Updates
Cell Phone Alert Signup
Sign up for cell phone alerts:
Quick Tips
- Encourage people to follow evacuation instructions.
- Reach out to those who are elderly, shut-in, marginalized. Often this population are not signed up for cell phone alerts, and cannot drive. They are the ones we need to check on and help evacuate if necessary.
- Discourage collections of clothes and blankets; they are not helpful at this time. In coming days, monetary donations will be most useful.
- If evacuating, take your address book, tax paperwork, insurance policies and the architect’s plans for your house.
- Keep your phone charged and chargers handy.
- Keep your TV on to a channel covering the fire. If not, stream on your phone.
- Keep in touch with family, friends, neighbors and church family.
- Now is the time to pack your emergency bag for your car, home and office. Model good behavior.
- If you are in the path of evacuation, have your dearest items, medications, important papers and computer ready to be packed or already in your car. Do disaster preparedness work now.
- Encourage your people to sign up for Ready San Diego alerts.
- If your church is evacuated, plan for alternate locations to worship.
- Encourage worship at home materials such as Mission St Clare, and Facebook Live services.
- When the time comes, this information may be helpful for those who need to rebuild.
- If you’re a clergy person or lay leader and you don’t have Internet or phone service, one idea is to physically check in with people who may be shut-in.
- Donate to, and encourage donations to: Episcopal Relief & Development’s, US Disaster Response Fund:
- Remember the Six Ps to take with you in an emergency: People & Pets, Papers (important documents, wills, insurance paperwork, passports), Prescriptions, Photos, PC hard drives, Plastic (credit cards and cash)
- Check in with your local LGBTQ center, homeless shelters to see how you can help.
- Be a chaplain, a nonanxious, listening presence, at evacuation centers, or for those who have lost homes.
More Lilac Wildfire Info
CalFire Lilac Incident Information Link:
San Diego Highway Traffic Conditions with real-time cameras:
National Weather Service Real-Time Map (Temperature, Wind Speed, Humidity)
Weather Maps
San Diego Readiness Smart Phone App:
San Diego Reverse 911 Signup:
San Diego Emergency Services:
Call 2-1-1; Website Link:
Recovery Resource Guide Website Link:
Red Cross Preparedness Kit Link:
San Diego Interfaith Disaster Website with Resource Links:
Ham Radio Resource Link:
Special thanks to Dave Meyer, Church of Scientology, for assembling this info.
Interfaith Disaster Council (IDC) Follow-Up Training Now Planned for January
Originally scheduled for November 2, the IDC follow-up to the two intro trainings for houses of worship is now planned for Thursday, January 25. A registration invitation will be sent out soon.
If you missed one of the two earlier intro trainings and would like to attend the follow-up, please contact SDIDC:
Emotional Life Cycle of a Disaster
Post-Disaster Ministry Resources
Ministering to Children After a Disaster – Grades K-5
Ministering to Youth After a Disaster – Grades 6-8
Ministering to Teens After a Disaster – Grades 9-12
Ministering to Adults After a Disaster
The Mentor Research Institute has developed a resource called The Great Storm and Flood Recovery: Children’s Story and Activity Book.
This story and activity book encourages children to fill in the blanks to explore their own experiences as well as color the pictures provided. It addresses the storm that caused the flooding, having to evacuate, cleaning up, rebuilding, as well as the emotional impacts of the flooding. At all points, it gives the child a chance to reflect on their own experience. A parent guide is included. A Spanish Version of the workbook is also available.