Women Clergy Gathering

The Morning Prayer service at the women’s clergy gathering at St. Timothy’s on July 29, 2014 included excerpts from the presiding bishop’s sermon at the anniversary of the “irregular ordinations” of women. This unorthodox event took place on July 29, 1974, on the Feast of Mary and Martha of Bethany.

The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori began by saying, “the whole of the Episcopal Church gives thanks today that women serve in all orders of ministry,” and concluded with the challenge to “march boldly, proclaiming good news to all who have been pushed aside, and call them to the table of God, to Wisdom’s feast.”

At St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church the worship concluded with a litany praying not only for the contributions of women, both lay and ordained, but also for all women and men in Episcopal and other communities who care enough to struggle for the transformation of the church and the world.

Following the worship service clergy women from around the Diocese of San Diego shared where they were in 1974 and how they followed their own calls.

Also participating were Kathryn Bunch, who brought a book display, and Jamie Wood, who catered a lovely lunch. Members of St. Timothy’s who provided hospitality and support were Ellen Shircliffe, Karl Streeter, and the Rev. Willy Crespo stopped by for some welcoming remarks.

The attendees expressed appreciation for gathering to honor the history and persons who continue to inspire the witness of the church of God and help us all to keep marching on.

Photo L to R: The Rev. Dr. Laura Sheridan-Campbell, Ms. Kathryn Bunch, The Rev. Brenda Sol, The Rev. Clayola Gitane, The Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas,The Rev. Allison Cornell, The Rev. Babs Meairs, The Rev. Meg Decker, The Rev. Gwynn Freund, and The Rev. Eleanor Ellsworth