With Rachel, We Weep
“A voice is heard in Ramah,
Lamentation and bitter weeping.
Rachel is weeping for her children;
She refuses to be comforted for her children,
Because they are no more.”– Jeremiah 31:15
We weep again this night as we hear of senseless death through gun violence. Again, at a place of learning, shots and screams of terror are heard. And now we mourn and weep.
But nothing seems to change. We will hear the same things again. One side will talk about gun control and the other about gun rights. The president will speak of change. The NRA will get defensive. I will write a letter to you. We will continue to talk past each other and nothing will change. And after a little while, we will hear breaking news in another place and Rachel will weep again and we will join her. Children will again be lost forever. Aurora, Sandy Hook, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, the Navy Yard, Charleston, and now, Roseburg.
Nevertheless, as followers of the prince of peace, we are called to persevere, to be relentless in our call for change and renewal in our communities. We continue in prayer. We continue in advocacy. We must not lose heart. And once again, we weep.
Pray this night for the peace of Roseburg.