PRO Mentors

Tom Morelli is coordinating a prison ministry program for the diocese. PRO Mentors is a Christian mentoring program for prisoners serving and released in San Diego County and they need Christian men willing to mentor a prisoner. There’s a training and orientation on Saturday, May 31 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at Canyon Community Church in Chula Vista. Please contact Tom for details and to sign up:

Another way to support these prisoners is by sending postcards to them. We’ve done this at Christ Church, Coronado and the stories we hear back are incredibly powerful: for some, having a Christmas postcard or Easter message sent is the first piece of mail they’ve ever received. It brought some to tears. What a simple way to make a difference!

If your church is interested in getting a list of addresses to send a postcard to just to let these men know that someone is thinking about them and cares about their lives, please contact Polly Morelli: She can give you a mailing list and guidelines for what to include and what not to include in your postcards.