New Clergy in Yuma

In April, the Rev. Timothy True accepted a call to serve as the new rector of St. Paul’s, Yuma. He comes to our diocese from the Diocese of West Texas, where he served St. Luke’s, San Antonio as a curate since June 2013. He is an alumnus of the School of Theology in Sewanee, Tennessee. Prior to seminary Father True was a teacher (middle and high school Latin and fine arts); he also has work experience in: youth and camping ministries, civil engineering, music, and teaching at the college level. He is eager to put his experience and gifts to work in Yuma, focusing especially on music, liturgy, Christian formation, education, and spiritual direction. Tim and his wife, Holly, have five children, ranging in age from kindergarten to college. They also have a Labrador retriever named Arwen (their elfin princess).