Mission Area Three In-Gathering


Peter Iverson

Lay and clergy leaders of Mission Area Three churches participated in a half day meeting at Good Samaritan, UTC on June 13, 2015.  This was the third in-gathering held in Area Three. All seven churches attended: All Souls, San Diego; St. Andrew’s, Pacific Beach; St. David’s, Clairemont; St. James, La Jolla; Good Samaritan, UTC; St. Peter’s, Del Mar and Trinity Chapel, Ocean Beach.

The theme of the in-gathering was stewardship within the broad context of church financial and property affairs. The session began with a theological reflection led by Area Three Missioner Pete Iverson on “the worst financial crisis that could confront a church.” Theological reflection can start from the experiences of life, both good and bad, and leads to searching in faith for deeper meaning, and for the living God. For the Area Three leaders who participated, it is deciding how to live out of this reflective search in the face of a crisis that is the critical step and take away in the process.

After a short break, presentations were given on the stewardship of treasure, the stewardship of our campus, and the stewardship of working together. In the last case, representatives discussed how Area Three churches might work together on the Diocesan Day of Service next October. The in-gathering concluded with a catered lunch and fellowship.

Mission Area Three in-gatherings are held annually, but churches are encouraged to seek opportunities to worship, serve and work together. Young adults and youth ministries are a particular area of interest for cooperation and sharing since no one church has the critical mass needed to sustain momentum in these programs. Outreach is another ministry which offers regular opportunities to help other churches throughout Area Three. We have just begun to explore other possibilities in all facets of ministry and combine our resources to further the good work of the diocese.


Mission Area Three Ingathering Presentation by Area Missioner Peter Iverson