Jordan Visit: Arrival

We arrived in Jordan at 4 in the afternoon. The air felt hot and dry as I stepped off the plane. My first thought was: “Welcome to the Desert.”



As our group congregated and walked through the Amman airport, a fellow traveler and I marveled at the sunshine and how it feels more like a sunblast, low on the horizon. It looks and feels different! I love that exhilarating aspect of international travel — that first moment you step off the plane and take a deep breath. You can smell and taste the country.

Farther East than most of my trips.

Farther East than most of my trips.

First impressions of Jordan: hot, dry, welcoming, safe.

A family at the airport celebrates the return of one of their own.

A family at the airport celebrates the return of one of their own.

They really knew how to party.

They really knew how to party.

They even had a band.

They even had a band.

Passport stamp from Jordan customs

Passport stamp from Jordan customs

The marble tiled floors and glass windows in the airport were punctuated every six feet or so with cameras. I felt safer here than in LAX.

A few images from our dinner at a restaurant called Sufra:

Looking down on the dining area. It was in a beautiful garden setting.

Looking down on the dining area. It was in a beautiful garden setting.

Our group members talking about SIM cards and such.

Our group members talking about SIM cards and such.

Making lavash in the oven.

Making lavash in the oven.

Mint tea!

Mint tea!