In Case You Can’t Make it in Person…

From the comfort of your home computer, phone or tablet, you can access the live stream of the ordination and consecration of our fifth bishop on Saturday, June 15 at 10:30 a.m. Processions and preludes begin at 10:30 a.m. The service begins at 11 a.m.

The link to view the live stream is:

The bulletin for following along with the service is here: Ordination and Consecration of Susan Brown Snook Bulletin (PDF)

To host a live streaming party at your congregation, here are a few suggestions:

  • Reserve the room at your church in advance. Ideally this would be a room with a smart TV that can access the live stream link (above). If no smart TV is available, you can set up a laptop with WiFi access, connect it to a projector and project the image onto a screen or a blank wall.
  • Don’t forget speakers. Connect a powerful speaker to your laptop so that everyone can hear. These speakers should connect easily to any laptop.
  • Invite your congregation to attend the party using verbal Sunday announcements, email notices, a printed notice in your bulletin and any other means of communication your church employs.
  • On the day of the event, be sure to arrive an hour early to confirm everything is set up and working properly. Have a few refreshments available for your guests.
  • You could arrange to have a live Eucharist take place during the Eucharistic part of the service at St. Paul’s Cathedral.
  • Enjoy this historic moment in the life of our diocese.

If you do plan to host a live streaming party, please let Hannah Wilder know.