Diocesan Campaign Kick-Off: Mark Your Calendars!

Save the date! At Diocesan Convention on Friday, February 21 and Saturday, February 22, we will kick off our diocesan capital campaign to create mentorships for new clergy members, fund an endowment for congregational loans and grants and renovate the Episcopal Church Center in Ocean Beach. The Center currently houses the new School for Ministry, which is open to all adult learners, and it will be the new home of the Office of the Bishop.

We’re planning a festive 40th Annual Diocesan Convention graced by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori to celebrate the many volunteers who are already hard at work organizing this campaign and to bring you up to date.

This is not a fundraising event. We want everyone there at the beginning of our exciting journey. We hope you can come. Learn more about the campaign: www.edsd.org/servingchurch and look for online registration in September!