As COVID Levels Increase

COVID-19 cases in our region are back on the upswing. San Diego, Imperial, and Yuma Counties have entered the high-risk category for COVID infections, according to the CDC (Riverside County remains in the medium-risk category). I give thanks that a large majority of Episcopalians are vaccinated and boosted and that many who catch Covid have mild cases and recover quickly. Yet this disease can still be deadly, and its high contagiousness puts many of our members and neighbors at risk.

A few weeks ago, I wrote to the clergy to strongly recommend masks in worship. I now reiterate that advice (except, of course, while someone is celebrating or speaking during worship). Your General Convention deputies and I just returned from an extended time together in indoor spaces at Convention. Despite long periods of time spent together indoors, the precautions the Convention took, including masking and daily testing, proved very effective in controlling the spread of disease. Only about 76 attendees (at the last count that I heard) tested positive after several days together, out of about 1,500 attendees. This was a much lower infection rate than the 10% that had been predicted if the Convention had proceeded without masks. The masks protected those who came together to do the business of the church. I commend this precaution to you, to equally protect those who come together for the worship of God.


With prayers and appreciation for how all of you care for each other,

Bishop Susan Brown Snook