A Case for Love
In May of 2021, we began filming. Our crew traveled across the US, on and off, for six months. We traveled to big cities and small farms, to liberal and conservative strongholds, to wealthy and desperately poor locales. We interviewed and filmed hundreds of people from all walks of life: business people, tourists, wealthy beachgoers, those living on the streets, and almost everyone in between. We asked them their thoughts about LOVE, specifically about unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial LOVE. We stepped back and listened. Really listened. To. Every. One. Of. Them. And this is what we heard…
We heard that we all are pretty much the same. Really, we are. We’re all trying to do right by our families as parents, spouses, children, or loved ones. We’re all trying to figure out what our role on this planet is and want it to mean something. We all want to be loved, genuinely loved, by someone else. If only we could approach one another with that commonality in mind! And then, this is what we saw.
We saw people light up because few (if anyone) had ever asked their opinions about this topic. For those moments, we saw a bit of a transformation in them as they felt heard and valued. Amidst the terrible isolation caused by Covid 19 and the relentless division created by our mostly partisan media outlets and social media giants, people again experienced a taste of humanity through their interaction with a group of filmmakers choosing to explore how LOVE could make things better.
This film has changed my life. As a child of a Lutheran pastor father and a devout Catholic mother and then marrying an Episcopalian, I’ve been blessed to have seen from an early age that there is so much more that unites us than what divides us.
That is why we created Grace-Based Films and why we made sure that its work is funded by donors rather than investors. This allows us to tell the stories that people are hungry to see, not just what film studios want to make.
The film is not 100% complete; it has not been professionally colored, and it has temporary music and sound in it, but the heart of the message is clear. We are so grateful to be able to share this evening with you!
“A CASE FOR LOVE” is a compelling documentary that takes the viewer on a journey, exploring whether Bishop Michael Curry’s message of unselfish love still exists in our divided world.
Using gripping personal stories and insight from people drawn from all walks of life, both ordinary and notable, “A CASE FOR LOVE” examines acts of unselfish love, both big and small: a kind word, a redemptive community, harsh questioning of preconceived ideas, a commitment to stay when others have fled. Over the course of the film, the viewer comes to realize that the impact of the loving response may be the answer our divided culture is seeking. Change won’t be easy, but we must start somewhere. “A CASE FOR LOVE” hopes to inspire that new beginning.
Do not miss this opportunity to be one of the first to view “A CASE FOR LOVE” in this first-ever public screening on Wednesday, January 25, from 6:00 – 9:00 pm in St. Paul’s Cathedral’s new Guild Room (2728 Sixth Ave, San Diego, CA 92103). Parking is available at the 525 Olive entrance. View the “A CASE FOR LOVE” trailer here