Sacred Ground is the Episcopal Church’s film & reading based dialogue series on race, racism & faith. “Circles” (i.e., discussion groups) provide the opportunity for difficult but respectful and transformative dialogue.
Starting Wednesday, November 20, from 3-5 p.m. via Zoom, The Rev. Susan Green and Nan Hardison will offer and facilitate a new EDSD-wide Sacred Ground circle (via Zoom). The circle will meet roughly every two weeks—on the same day and at the same time—for 12 sessions (see below for all meeting dates). The program is free. It assumes prior reading/viewing before each session. Selected materials are highly informative, stimulating, and transformative. Most study materials are available online.
Circles are open to EVERYONE in the diocese and beyond. If your parish has not yet organized a circle, or if you couldn’t participate before, this is your chance! If you know of someone in your community who is interested, please share this info.
Meeting dates (all are on Wednesday, 3-5 pm): Nov 20, Dec 4 & 18, Jan 8 & 22, Feb 5 & 19, Mar 5 & 19, Apr 2 & 23, May 7
Register HERE