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Crisis Communications

In times of crisis, clear, compassionate, and timely communication is essential to uphold the values of our faith and serve our communities with integrity. The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego is committed to guiding clergy and lay leaders through challenging moments, providing resources and strategies to ensure that messages are conveyed with care, accuracy, and consistency. Whether responding to an urgent situation or navigating sensitive issues, our approach to crisis communications is rooted in courageous love, reflecting Christ’s call to bring light and truth into the world.

We understand that navigating a crisis can feel overwhelming and isolating, and we recognize the weight of the challenges you may be facing right now. Please know that you do not have to walk through this alone. The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego is here to support your church with compassion and care. Whether your church needs guidance, resources, or simply a listening ear, we are happy to help. We invite you to reach out to our office, trusting that together we can find strength and clarity in these difficult times by emailing EDSD’s Director of Communications, Chris Tumilty, at ctumilty@edsd.org.

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